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2021|Unity|Virtual Reality

“The body of the whale will fall into deep dark sea after it dead. Its body will turn into nutrition to feed new lives.”

Gameplay Tutorial

This is the record of the tutorial of this game.



This is a project about the history and the future of human civilization. People are able to walk in the stop moment of a falling of the civilization. By interact in the space, they will learn about history and think about future.

People are able to teleport inside the game and observe the representation of this Phenomenon. They can also interact with the button and light inside the game and read the history of the falling of civilization. The game does not contain a start point or an end point. People can stay inside the space as long as they want to.


By using the ThumbTrigger on the Right hand Controller, players are able to teleport to any part of the plane. On the other hand, players are also able to teleport to some other planes that are not on the floor. Players are able to use the ThumbStick on the Left hand controller to rotate the camera and they can change the angle of viewing the space.

By using the IndexTrigger on the Right hand Controller, players are able to play with the sliders and the buttons inside the game. By sliding the sliders, players can change the weight of the lights in the game. By clicking the buttons, players are able to see the historical information about the falling of different civilization show up.


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